In response to the horrific attacks on our fellow man in Orlando... Hate knows no bigotry, no prejudice, no phobia. Hate hates all without mercy or distinction. In the heart of hate no love can reside save for the love of self.
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When I say, “I love you,” what I mean is that my heart doesn’t know what it’s like to not know you. I mean that I didn’t know what love really felt like until I saw you. What I want to say is that I will never be able to stop, even if I tried. I am saying that you forever changed me and I am forever grateful for it. When I say, “I love you,” I am extending open hands to you to feed you, clothe you, catch you when you fall, help you stand, steady your steps, dance, cook, mend, cradle, embrace, play, check for fevers, and tickle.
December 2018